New Products

Lilium lankongense x 3


Lilium lankongense x 3

Price: $29.00

Price for 3 bloom size bulb   Easy growing Selling and shipping time: Oct~Feb

Lilium bakerianum FORM1 x 3bulbs


Lilium bakerianum FORM1 x 3bulbs

Price: $45.00

Price for 3 bloom size bulbs   Lilium bakerianum, rare! huge flower bloom in June Selling and shipping time: Oct~Feb

Deinanthe caerulea x 2plants


Deinanthe caerulea x 2plants

Price: $15.00

Deinanthe caerulea x 2 plants,  Rare but easy growing ,cold hardy,  special plants for shade garden. 

Fritillaria unibracteata BULBS x 5


Fritillaria unibracteata BULBS x 5

Price: $39.00

Price for 5BULBS, bloom size From highland of western China, tolerate moist cool summer. Impotant medicine plant.

Fritillaria cirrhosa seeds x 50


Fritillaria cirrhosa seeds x 50

Price: $15.00

Price for 50seeds, collect in year 2024, frozen storage. From highland of western China/Tibet, tolerate moist cool summer. Impotant medicine plant.