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Displaying 26 to 30 (of 64 products)
Epipactis mairei X 3 Price: $25.00 Weight: 20g
Price for 3 plantS. Beautiful garden-orchid! the plant will reach 70cm or 100cm, with 10 or 20 beautiful green-red flowers. Easy to grow , this ... more info
Fritillaria cirrhosa seeds x 50 Price: $15.00 Weight: 10g
Price for 50seeds, collect in year 2024, frozen storage. From highland of western China/Tibet, tolerate moist cool summer. Impotant medicine plant.
Fritillaria taipaiensis x 50seeds Price: $15.00 Weight: 5g
Price for X 50 seeds , collected in September of year 2021Rare species form W.China, easy growing
Fritillaria taipaiensis x 5bulbs Price: $39.00 Weight: 15g
Price for X 5 bloom size bulbsRare species form W.China, easy growing Offer from September.
Fritillaria unibracteata BULBS x 5 Price: $39.00 Weight: 50g
Price for 5BULBS, bloom size From highland of western China, tolerate moist cool summer. Impotant medicine plant.
Displaying 26 to 30 (of 64 products)