Other Orchid

Product Image Item Name- Price
Amitostigma pinguiculum x 3bulbs

Amitostigma pinguiculum x 3bulbs

Price   for 3 bulbs, bloom size  From China, near to Japan. Lovely mini orchid, and very easy to grow. Summer dormancy, but need not avoid rain....


Changnienia amoena x 3plants

Changnienia amoena x 3plants

Price for 3 bloom size or near bloom size plants A rare plant from China, beautiful and variable! leaf is from whole green to mottled, even whole...


Epipactis mairei X 3

Epipactis mairei X 3

Price for 3 plantS. Beautiful garden-orchid! the plant will reach 70cm or 100cm, with 10 or 20 beautiful green-red flowers. Easy to grow , this...
